Friday, September 11, 2015

Corning Ware Marks and Mayhem - General Dating of Corning Ware Back Stamps

I think it's time to touch on the dates associated with certain marks.  I have avoided this subject, primarily because with Corning Ware, it is not an exact science.  The Hub Machine began forming Corning Ware at the Martinsburg plant in 1961, but there were other plants producing Corning Ware as well.  Greencastle and Main Plant, just to name a couple.  These plants did not necessarily receive new molds for new shapes at the same time, nor would they changed their stamp format at the same time....  So all dates given have a little wiggle room.

1958-1959 - Embossed Bottom Stamp

1959 - Embossed Bottom with stylized flame Stamp (7 inch skillet, 9 inch skillet, 2 1/2 quart Saucepan)

1960-1961ish - Blurry Blue Ink Stamp (may or may not have Pyroceram printed)

1961-1966 - Basic Model Number with stylized flame Stamp

 1966-1969 - the Cornflower makes it's appearance in the bottom stamp

1969-1972 - "for Range & Microwave" Stamp (with or without small Cornflower)

1972-1979 - Hologram Stamp (VERY hard to see unless tilted to the right angle in the right light)

1979-1985/86 - Block Stamp

The Block Stamp first appeared on the Designer Casseroles (DC-Series) in 1977, but moved to square Corning Ware in 1979/80. 

This mark would be revisited for the later Microwave Plus line in the early 90s and remained with the MR-Series until they were discontinued.

1985 - 1999 - 2nd Embossed Stamp (Block mark was still used on Roasting Pans until 1987)

For traditional square Corning Ware, this mark was under the Handle Lug, except for Petites, which were embossed on the bottom, but with measurement in milliliters.

For French White/Classic Black and Casual Elegance, it is located on the bottom.

There are myriad small modifications such as "for Range and Microwave" mark having or not having the cornflower... For a while in the mid 70s, this "cornflower stamp" was reused on Teapots and Percolators, but Hologram stamps were never used on either of these pieces.   Colors of ink changed several times as well.

Hope this helps to narrow down the dates of some of your pieces.

Where is your Corning Ware??

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Corning Ware Microwave Browners and Micromates Booklets - Scanned

After all the information I have posted regarding Electromatic Skillets and Table Ranges, I figured it was time for some scanned documentation regarding the other pieces that receive the most questions. 

The Microwave Browning Skillets and Grills......

and the "Micromates" (which is just Corning's later brand name for Microwave Browning Skillets)

Though I have posted links in the past, that point to the preheating times, hopefully these booklets will answer any questions about Usage (Do's and Don't's) and Cleaning along with the preheating times of various models.

Where is your Corning Ware??

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Corning Ware Electromatic Dutch Oven and Skillet Booklet - Scanned

Most collectors are familiar with the Electromatic Skillet (P-12-ES heater base & P-22-B dish) and the short lived P-53 Self-Timing Saucepan (only available in 1963).  There was another Electromatic cooking vessel, however.

In the mid to late 60s Corning decided to "up the ante", as it were.  They took the 4 quart Sauce Pot (P-84) and ground the bottom flat, paired it with the P-12-ES heater base and a P-34-R wire rack (borrowed from the P-34 Dutch Oven), then sold it as the Electromatic Dutch Oven (P-86).

Because the bottom of the Dutch Oven is narrower than the Skillet, it slides back and forth between the black handles that corral the Skillet and keep it firmly in place.   Thus, the Dutch  Oven came with a special chrome "fence" (P-12-F) that wedged around the handles of the heater base to keep the Dutch Oven from sliding off.

The Dutch Oven was also available, paired with the skillet dish, in a complete set.  (P-12-ES, P-22-B, P-86-B with a single P-12-C cover, a P-34-R rack and the P-12-F Fence ).  Below is the booklet that was included with these Electromatic Sets.

As far as available patterns?  I know they came in Cornflower because I have both pieces.  There appears to have been a P-86 (but no P-22) made in the Limited Edition Platinum Filigree pattern as well.  They may have been available in All White, but that has not been confirmed yet.  It should be noted that the Cookmates (which are white) were released in 1966.  The Cookmates pieces work just as well on the P-12-ES Electromatic Heater base as they do on the "Counter that Cooks", for which they were originally made.

Where is your Corning Ware??

Monday, September 7, 2015

Corning Ware Electromatics 1963 Booklet - Scanned

The Corning Ware Eectromatics Use & Care booklet from 1963(ish). 

This is a slightly later publication, as it includes the Immersible Warming Tray (P-54), which was not released until a little later.  The Skillet (P-12-ES base with P-22 skillet) and the 10 cup Percolator (P-23-EP/P-13-EP) were released in 1962.  Sadly, there is no mention of the P-49 Dual Temperature version of the Immersible platter.


Where is your Corning Ware??

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Rival Crock Pot with Corning Ware Booklet - Scanned

So, I have had this as a gigantic 89 MB .tiff file for about a year.  WAY to large to do much of anything with.  But I finally found a converter that I could live with (meaning it was free)..... So now it is a mere 3.8 MB .pdf file.

Apparently, these Rival Crock Pots (with Corning Ware A-3 insert) were only made in 3 patterns.  Forever Yours (above), Shadow Iris (below)

and Country Cornflower.

(photo courtesy of Aiden)

Since Forever Yours was available from 1990-1993 and Shadow Iris was in production from 1985-1995 and Country Cornflower was produced from 1988 to 1993, the pattern overlap occurs between 1990-1993.. Thus I am assuming, since no other patterns seem to exist, that this is the time frame of the Crock Pot's production.

I continue to hope that I will run across a White or Beige one, but to date, I still haven't.

Happy Crock Pot Cookery!

Where is your Corning Ware (Crock Pot)??

Friday, September 4, 2015

E-1310 Electromatic Table Range Booklet - Scanned

Compliments of Trent, in Idaho. A scanned copy of the E-1310 Electromatic Table Range booklet.

Thanks Trent!

The PDF embedding from Google Drive is not the best method of sharing information (it does strange things to PDF documents) but I thought it would be nice if people could at least peruse the document before deciding to download it....  You may download the PDF --> here <--  so you can view it in Adobe or other PDF viewer. (Which makes it look MUCH more normal)

Where is your Corning Ware??