Thursday, January 8, 2015

Rudimentary Roaster Report - Corning Ware Roasters

So many roasters, so little time.

In a world dominated by recipes that require the standard 13x9 (Pyrex) Baking Dish, I feel it's time to explore the menagerie of roasters/baking dishes in the Corning Ware world.  Their measurements are a little different, but the overall area of the dish works out pretty much the same...

A 13 x 9 baking dish gives you an area of 117 square inches of dish.  While a 12 1/4 x 10 (A-21-B) gives you an area of 122 square inches... a little more, but not enough to create a casserole catastrophe, by any means... So let's take a REALLY close look at ALL the Corning Ware Roasters, both P and A-series, for they all have different measurements leading to different square inch capacities.

These are the three P-series Baking/Roasting pans.  The P-332, P-21-B and P-76-B.

These are the three A-series Baking/Roasting pans.  The A-18, A-21-B and A-76-B (There is an A-21-B-N, but I will touch on that at the end)

While standard Corning Ware cooking dishes switched to the A-series in 1972, the new A-series roasters did not make their debut until 1976.  It should also be noted that the P-332 hung around until sometimes around 1982-84 before it was discontinued, which just happened to be about the time that the A-18 and A-76 were removed from the market as well.  The A-21 hung on until about 1986 when it got a makeover and became the A-21-B-N.

Here are the comparisons....

The P-332 (bottom) and the A-18-B (top)...

The P-332 is 11 1/2 x 7 1/2 (87sq). This is my "Go To" pan for a single batch of Lasagne

The A-18 is 10 x 8 1/2 (85sq).

The P-21-B (bottom) and the A-21-B (top)...

The P-21-B is 13 x 8 3/4 (114sq)  Which is slightly bowed out. (there is a reason for this, but I will cover that at the end)

The A-21-B is 12 1/4 x 10 (122sq)

The P-76-B (bottom) and the A-76-B (top).....

The P-76-B is 15.5 x 9.75 (151sq)

The A-76-B is 14 x 11.5 (161sq).  It's almost a square.

After 1986, the A-21-B was modified and became the A-21-B-N...  One of the major differences was the addition of handles at each end, instead of having the bent rim all the way around. The A-21-B-N is also significantly heavier than the A-21-B, as the glass is much thicker like the cookware.  The dimensions, however, are extremely similar, being 12 1/2 x 10 1/2 (131sq).  It's basically 1/4 inch longer and 1/2 inch wider than the A-21-B.

Now, lets get into the reason for the bowing in the P-21-B.

It was all because of this....   The P-19 Broiling Platter.

When using an electric oven (which produces a drier heat than a gas oven) you can place water in the P-21-B and sit the P-19 Broiling platter on top...

Thus increasing the humidity inside your electric oven and producing a much moister roast, or so the theory goes.

So there you have it... A massive crash course in Corning Ware Roasting/Baking Pans.

Where is your Corning Ware??