Vintage Pattern Information

Monday, October 16, 2017

Corning Ware Electromatic Percolator Cords - What You Should Know

There seems to be some confusion out there about replacement cords for Electromatic items.  Hopefully this post will shed some light on the subject.  I am going to focus primarily on Electromatic Percolators, however, cord replacement on the P-54 Warming Tray will be included as well.  But first, it is imparative that you know which percolator model you have, for not all cords are created equal.

There are 4 models of Electromatic percolator (2 of which are basically the same, just different cup sizes).  You must MUST MUST know which one you have.  I cannot stress this enough...   Percolators usually are not marked with their model numbers, but there is a simple way to determine your immersible heater module.  Look at the top.

                                 P-80-EP/P-6-EP       -       P-23-EP          -         E-1210

This is the top to the P-13-EP (Trefoil) P-23-EP (Cornflower) and W-23-EP (Wheat) percolator.  There is a black plastic version with no chrome, but the shape is unique - that is the important part.  Other patterns show up in this model, but they are generally designated as P-23-EPs (Ducks being one of them)

This heater module takes a standard appliance cord that you can purchase at the hardware store (#30123) for about $3.99.

This heater module is the ONLY one that will take that cord.  NONE of the other 3 models can use this cord as a replacement.

Now let's take a look at those other modules...........

This is the P-80-EP Heater Module (the P-6-EP module looks the same, just a little smaller).  This module was also used for the P-480-EP & P-406-EP (Platinum Filigree) and the W-80-EP & W-6-EP (Wheat) as well as the P-280-EP & P-206-EP (All White).  Other patterns appear in this model of percolator as well, though they are generally just P-80-EPs or P-6-EPs.  (Green Wheat, Morning Glory, Early American, Floral Bouquet, Avocado Medallion and, of course, Cornflower)

This is the E-1210 Heater module.  All patterns of this percolator are designated as E-1210. (Spice o' Life, Country Festival, Floral Bouquet, Blue Medallion)

I will type it again..... These 3 percolator models (P-80-EP, P-6-EP and E-1210) will not work with the same appliance cord (30123) that can be used on the P-23-EP models.  These 3 models have a proprietary plug that used a special cord.  (P-6-HC/E-1210-HC)

They can be found on eBay, ranging in price anywhere from $20.00 to $42.00, depending on how money hungry the seller is.

Incidentally, the the prong spacing is the same as that of the P-54 Warming Tray, thus cords are swap-able between these items.

Where is your Corning Ware??

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Tea... Apparently, it's For The Birds - Corning Ware Game Birds

Very little is known about this "pattern", if one can actually call it that, since it's really a set of 4 patterns.  It appears to have been very popular.  So popular, in fact, that many companies were using these "game bird" transfer patterns.  Not just similar ones, but the exact SAME ones.  This menagerie of Canada Geese, Mallard Ducks, Partridge and Ring Necked Pheasants can be found on many completely unrelated items from Hall China, Crown Staffordshire Bone Chine and, of course, Corning Ware.  (or I would not be writing this post)

Crown Staffordshire English Bone China teacups flanking a Hall Teapot (New York shape)

Schumann Arzberg Coffee Mug

I suppose it is not at all surprising that Corning Ware would follow this game bird trend as well.  What IS surprising, however, is the time span between these items that show up with these bird prints.

The TK-2 - Cookmates flat ground bottomed version of the P-57 Deluxe Teakettle...  Produced at some point between 1968 and 1973.

Featuring the Canada Geese and Partridge.

and  matching lid.

The P-23-EP and P-80-EP Electromatic Percolators also feature a very similar design of flying mallard ducks without the cattails in the background.

The P-104 Teapot. 

 An classic exercise in over-achievement, since it contains all 4 prints on 1 piece..

Though the 6 cup P-104 teapot was produced from 1960 - 1987, the mark on this teapot is extremely telling.
It's a Block Mark from the early 80s.  Seven years after the last possible production point for the TK-2.

This piece is also adorn with the later brushed steel lid. (also from the 80s)

There is also a Centura 10 oz Coffee mug (production date unknown)

This particular one in my collection features the Mallard Ducks, but all 4 patterns were available (see decorative plates below)

Then there are the Corning Ware Pyroceram Decorative plates...

And last but not least.... the original Sidekick (P-140) which was known as the PL003 in it's previous life of airline service.

(this one was made for United Airlines)

There are several other items, not in my personal collection, that I know exist.......

The B-10-B  Corning Ware Round 10 inch skillet (featured the partridge) Sorry, I do not have a photo of this one

The P-80-EP Electromatic Percolator - Ducks

The E-1210 Electromatic Percolator - Pheasants

Related Patterns

Though not from the above set of 4 game bird prints, but still in the same venue, there is the ever elusive P-32 Hibachi setup.. Yep, there was a Corning Ware Hibachi, featuring Mallard ducks.... (this piece is a P-2 1/2-B size with grill, ash screen and grill with a modified wood handled cradle - there was also a wooden tray, originally)

and the D-33 Chaffing Dish (P-2 1/2-B with an all White P-17 and a fancy metal legged alcohol burning stand that is very similar to the black plastic legged candle warmer stands)

as well as the 1st generation Electromatic Percolator (P-23-EP) which appears to be the reverse of the hibachi pattern.  Apparently on print is migrating North and the other is migrating South. 

Then there was this set that I found on Flickr.  Featuring the P-2 1/2-B, from the Hibachi set up, a P-16 skillet with running pheasants and swimming ducks on a P-19 broiling/serving platter.

There is also a strange P-2 1/2-B with a different set of flying ducks.  I believe these are Green Winged Teals, as opposed to the more commonly used Mallards...

This is by no means all of these mysterious game bird piece that are out there, cause lord knows there are bound to be more popping out of the woodwork in the future.  This is merely an attempt to record the ones that have been found so far.

Where is your Corning Ware??

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Bitter Sweet Wheat - W-57 Deluxe Tea Kettle

This was another one of the "difficult to verify" pieces.   Unlike the W-23-EP percolator, however, I actually knew this one existed.  I guess that would make it more of a "difficult to get my grubby hands on" piece.   Posession of this piece has taunted me for years.  I had been SO close; and yet so far.  I had no idea how many were floating around out there.   I discovered the existence of this piece on eBay in May of 2014.  It was located in Wisconsin, but I went ahead and purchased it (shipping was a little cheaper back then)  Sadly, the trip to Oregon did not go well....




Even though the seller issued a full refund, I was very depressed about it.  I would much rather have had the piece.

After much searching (almost 3 years of searching), another one finally appeared... This one only had to travel from Lacey, Washington and arrived completely intact.  WHEW!

This piece is more often found in Blue Cornflower but, surprisingly enough, appears to be the most common in the Cookmates version (TK-2) with the flat ground bottom.  Don't ask me why.

Where is your Corning Ware??

Monday, May 22, 2017

Early American - Corning Ware, not Pyrex

Most of us that collect anything even remotely connected to Corning Glass Works are familiar with some of the Pyrex patterns.  Early American Pyrex Ware, in it's lovely shades of Brown, White and sometimes Gold was a fairly common pattern in it's day. (1962-1971).

There was, however, another Corning product by the same name, though not nearly as common nor well known.  Corning Ware also came in an Early American pattern.

Granted a much simpler pattern, featuring a lone bald eagle in black, and devoid of superfluous accoutrements like weather vanes, cats, coffee grinders, bellows, kerosene lamps and ears of corn.

Very little is known about this pattern, but thankfully some of the original boxes have shown up, so the correct name has been verified.  All the pieces seem to be unmarked, however, the saucepans have P-series handle lugs, so production was prior to 1972.  The fact that there are 2 percolators in this pattern (P-119 and P-116) suggests that date should be lowered from 1972 to 1970, because Corning discontinued the P-119 in lieu of the P-149, which made it's debut in the Renaissance Limited Edition Gift Line from 1970.  Recent developments have also revealed the existence of a P-23-EP (1st generation Electromatic Percolator)... Since these were discontinued in favor of the P-80-EP model in 1966, this firmly places this pattern to a 1962-1966 production window.

There is a variation on this pattern where the eagle has a solid black head.  (As seen on this MW-11 piece)

Whether it was a test pattern or not remains a mystery.

Where is your Corning Ware??

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

More Sweet Wheat - Wheat W-23-EP Percolator

As I have mentioned before, the old story about "Wheat" being the initially intended pattern for Corning Ware, and how the pattern was not ready for production so the Cornflower was used instead, has long been shown to not hold any water.  (because there are blue wheat prototypes out there - it's possible the enamel color wasn't "ready")   The "limited number of pieces" claim has also been refuted several times.  This percolator's existence only backs up the fact that "small number of pieces" is completely false.

Though I admit, I have been searching for some trace of it's production for several years....  3 actually showed up within a 1 month span on eBay....   So it's not a "one of" scenario.   Just as the W-53 Self-Timing saucepan proved that Wheat had been in production from at least 1963 (the only year those were made); the existence for the 1st generation Electromatic Percolator W-23-EP (Along with its other 1sts gen brethren; Trefoil P-13-EP and Cornflower P-23-EP) proves that wheat could have been in production as early as the fall of 1961.

Though not as common as the latter model (P-80-EP and P-6-EP from 1966-1972) let it be known that these older percolators DO, in fact, exist.

Please note, that the cord to this percolator is not original.  Unlike the later P-80-EP, P-6-EP and E-1210 percolator models that have proprietary cords, these 1st Generation models (P-23-EP, P-13-EP & W-23-EP) used a standard appliance cord that can be purchased at just about any hardware store, even today - Part # 30123

Where is your Corning Ware??

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Sweet Wheat - Avocado Wheat P-80-EP Percolator

Percolators are abound in the Corning Ware universe.  Things we never dared to dream existed, will suddenly appear out of nowhere.   This is what happened with this Wheat Floral (AKA: Harvest Wheat, Green Wheat, Wheat Sheaf, Avocado Wheat) P-80-EP Percolator.  

I feel very fortunate to have this in my collection.  There is an added bonus, in that it gives us some precedent for dating the pattern.   P-80-EPs were released in 1966 with Platinum Filigree gift line, and since the rest of the cookware pieces are of the P-series era, then spring of 1972 would be the pattern cut-off date.  

Other than those facts, nothing else much is known about this pattern; including the name, since no original boxes have been found as of yet.

Thanks to Tony, a member of the Corning Ware collectors group on Facebook, an packing insert has been found which points to this being called "Avocado Wheat" and being an exclusive offer to Atlantic Richfield Company Credit Card holders (that's ARCO gas).

Where is your Corning Ware??